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Goodwill Featured on WNY Living

As we move out of the holiday season, it is time to get your life back in order and on track to start the new year on the right foot. This begins with cleaning up your living space to give you a clean slate. You will no doubt have gained new clothes, home décor, kitchen appliances, and other household items throughout your various holiday celebrations. In order to make room for these new items, you will need to sort through your old things and reorganize your living space. It's no wonder that January is Get Organized Month!

Goodwill will gratefully accept those gently used items you no longer need or want. We had a great opportunity on WGRZ - Channel 2, Buffalo's WNY Living show to talk about decluttering and organizing after the holidays, the convenience of donating to Goodwill and the workforce development mission that donations support.

Watch the February segment here



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